
Texas Approved by SBOE: Just Right Reader Decodable Books

Texas Approved by SBOE: Just Right Reader Decodable Books

It’s Official: Just Right Reader is Approved by the Texas State Board of Education! (SBOE) 

Just Right Reader Texas

Just Right Reader's Science of Reading Instructional Materials and Resources has been officially approved by the Texas State Board of Education(SBOE) and will be added to thestate-adopted list of high-quality instructional materialsTexas school districts will now have access to Just Right Reader's high-quality, evidence-based Science of Reading resources in both English and Spanish through state adoption lists. 

This article will explain the 
Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA)process and how it helps accelerate reading achievement for Texas students.  By empowering educators and parents with research-based reading instruction at school and home we can cultivate confident, joyful readers in the Lone Star State.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Overview of IMRA and House Bill 1605 (HB 1605) 
  • 6 Ways Just Right Reader Meets Texas's High-Quality Instructional Material Standards
  • How to Order Just Right Reader HQIM Decodable Books

IMRA for Texas Began with House Bill 1605 (HB 1605)

House Bill 1605 is a significant piece of legislation that has recently reshaped the landscape of education in Texas. This new bill approved in May 2023, provides additional funding up to $60 more per student for schools that adopt state-approved instructional materials. This funding can support the purchase of high-quality resources, such as textbooks, digital tools, and curriculum materials that align with state standards and promote evidence-based practices.

The Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process was established from HB 1605 with the goal of improving the quality of education in Texas and providing students with the best possible instructional materials. The rigorous criteria ensure that materials meet high-quality standards and align with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). 

Additionally, the increased funding allows schools to invest in more resources to support student learning.By setting high standards for instructional materials, IMRA helps to improve the quality of education across the state.  Most importantly, it empowers teachers and families with high-quality resources they need to effectively support student learning with increased flexibility. 

IMRA Literacy Timeline: May 2023 - House Bill 1605 Passes March 2024 - IMRA Approval Process Began May 2024 - Just Right Reader is 100% Aligned with TEKS June - July 2024 - HQIM Reviewal Process Period  September 2024 - TEA Prepares Written Report October 2024 - Publishers respond with the revisions as needed November 2024 - Instructional Materials are approved, approved pending revisions, rejected, or given no action. Just Right Reader IMRA Instructional Materials Officially Texas- Approved! January 30, 2024 - Application for FREE Texas IMRA Just Right Reader Pilot Due March 2025 - TEA finalizes contracts for purchase and materials become available on the state online instructional materials ordering system, EMAT Just Right Reader Coming Soon on EMAT

Importance of High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) in the IMRA Process

The State Board of Education (SBOE) is responsible for reviewing and approving all instructional materials based on the criteria set forth by HB 1605. Teams of highly skilled teachers and curriculum experts collaborate to conduct detailed reviews of the materials. If the materials meet the High Quality Instructional Material Checklist as defined by the HB 1605 required standards, the SBOE will provide official approval for use in Texas classrooms.

HQIM Check List Ensure full coverage of TEKS Aligned to evidence-based best practices  Support all learners, including students with disabilities, English Learners, and students identified as gifted and talented  Enable frequent progress monitoring through embedded and aligned assessments Include implementation supports for teachers Provide teacher and student-facing lesson-level materials

IMRA Process Impact on Texas Schools

The State Board of Education(SBOE)  commitment to Texas students is evident in its prioritization of quality, funding, and effective literacy initiatives. The IMRA process will significantly benefit Texas students by providing them with high-quality, Science of Reading-aligned instructional materials in both English and Spanish. This will enhance literacy outcomes for all students, especially English Language Learners. 

This IMRA approval process will also directly benefit teachers and families by providing high-quality instructional materials and resources to deliver programs with fidelity. These resources will support professional development and family engagement initiatives designed to enhance literacy efforts and reading gains, as proven to support improved skills all grounded in the Science of Reading.

Just Right Reader SBOE-approved through IMRA Process!

5 Pillars of Instruction, Just Right Reader Materials

Just Right Reader is proud to be SBOE-approved, reaffirming our commitment to delivering Texas schools with the highest-quality instructional materials, resources, and family engagement tools. Our literacy resources are carefully aligned with legislative requirements and tailored to meet the unique needs of district and school partnerships, ensuring accelerated reading achievement for all students.

Just Right Reader integrates the latest research into our literacy resources by applying Science of Reading principles, incorporating the National Reading Panel's findings on the 5 Pillars of Readingphonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension—and collaborating closely with leading literacy experts and researchers.

6 Ways Just Right Reader Meets Texas's High-Quality Instructional Material Standards

The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) has approved Just Right Reader's English and Spanish literacy resources, marking a significant milestone for Texas schools. This approval signifies a new era of reading instruction, one that is rooted in evidence-based practices and designed to accelerate student achievement. This opens new opportunities for powerful phonics practice for all students, everywhere they learn, from school to home and more.

1. Full Coverage of TEKS 

Just Right Reader is a natural fit for Texas classrooms aligning 100% with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) to accelerate reading achievement. Our evidence-based literacy resources, including decodable books, interactive video lessons, and full lesson plans with research-based activities, spark curiosity, motivate students, and foster a love of reading, helping students master these Texas standards.

View our TEKS alignments:

2. Alignment with Best Practices

Just Right Reader Decodable

Texas schools can empower students to become confident readers by implementing Just Right Reader's high-quality instructional materials and resources, designed to align with Texas standards and accelerate literacy achievement!  Just Right ReaderClassroom Libraries for Texas contain over 500 Science of Reading decodables mapped to a rigorous phonics progression inEnglish andSpanish

Our English and Spanish progressions use a systematic approach, starting with fundamentals and progressing to more advanced concepts. Previously learned skills are continuously used to ensure repeated practice and mastery. These same skills will be reinforced for continued practice at home.

When learning a new skill, practice is essential. Students need guided practice in reading words not only in isolation but in connected text. With decodable books, students practice newly learned skills in an authentic and meaningful way. 

Just Right Reader decodables are designed with over 90% decodable words, and 20% of each page specifically targets the book's focused phonics skill, ensuring students get the practice they need to build confidence and mastery. 

Each phonics skill comes with multiple titles, providing students with numerous opportunities for structured practice. Just Right Reader literacy resources seamlessly align with Science of Reading-based phonics programs and are easy to implement into literacy instruction.

3. Support for All Learners 

Just Right Reader provides structured reading support for all learners, including multilingual students and those with varying learning needs. Relatable stories, diverse characters, and vibrant illustrations engage every student as they read, re-read, and practice foundational skills. With a systematic and explicit scope and sequence, these resources are designed to build confidence and foster literacy success for diverse learners.

Just Right Reader Inclusive and Accessible for All Learners

 In order to ensure our literacy resources are accessible and inclusive for all learners, we comply with WCAG 2.1 AA and NIMAS standards, incorporating features such as closed captions, audio descriptions, transcripts, and accessible media players into our phonics video lessons.



4. Progress Monitoring

Just Right Reader Progress Monitoring

Just Right Reader provides progress monitoring and assessment guides specifically aligned with TEKS, available in both English and Spanish. These tools empower educators to track student growth effectively and ensure alignment with Texas learning standards for literacy development.




5. Implementation Support for Teachers and Families

Teacher Comprehensive Resources

Just Right Reader Support for Teachers

Just Right Reader equips teachers with user-friendly resources to ensure successful implementation:

  • Teacher’s Guide Book
  • Emergent Bilingual Support Guides
  • Diagnostic and summative assessments
  • Detailed lesson plans with differentiation options 
  • Curriculum alignment charts 
  • Research-based printouts
  • Family Resources

Just Right Reader's Professional Development empowers and equips educators with tools grounded in best practices and actionable strategies to maximize the effectiveness of our decodables and accelerate reading achievement. Educators access flexible Professional Development options, including in-person, virtual, and self-paced sessions, Symposiums, Blogs, and Podcasts from leading literacy experts in the Science of Reading Research. 

We've also teamed up with leading literacy experts to bring teachers the latest research and actionable strategies through FREE Science of Reading Symposiums

Family Engagement Support

Just Right Reader provides families with the tools to confidently support their child's reading journey at home. Our Family Engagement Hub offers multilingual video lessons, in-person events, literacy training, and family-friendly Science of Reading resources to empower families and foster a love of reading in every household.

6. Lesson-Level Materials for Teachers and Families

Teacher Materials  

Science of Reading Decodables in English and Spanish accelerate reading achievement with over 700+ decodable books available. These books seamlessly integrate with your existing Core ELA Curriculum. Our Teacher Hub contains additional materials to support phonics instruction and reinforce the foundational skills already being taught in the classroom.

Family Materials

Just Right Reader supports a fundamental principle for family engagement in early literacy classrooms across the state of Texas. The TEA emphasizes the importance of strong partnerships between schools, families, and communities for student success. 

Just Right Reader Video Lessons

When reading together, caregivers can scan the QR code on each decodable to watch a fun phonics lesson. These short, interactive videos introduce the target phonics skill in a fun and accessible way, sparking students' excitement about the book. They also help families better understand what their child is learning and how to help them practice. Video lessons are translated into multiple languages to help parents and caregivers support their child's reading development in their native language. 

How to Qualify Just Right Reader HQIM decodable books!

We're excited to partner with Texas to make a real difference in the lives of young readers. This is a testament to Just Right Reader's commitment to doing whatever it takes to accelerate reading achievement! 

Read more

Learn more information about how you can order Just Right Reader SBOE-Approved materials and Classroom Libraries funded by IMRA and EMAT, the state’s online ordering system,

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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader promotes effective literacy instruction, personalized learning, and school-to-home partnerships to foster a lifelong love of reading.

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