
Looking Ahead: Spring Literacy Intervention Before Summer

Children reading

The end of the school year is quickly approaching, and the pressure to ensure student success before summer break is on. Spring offers a critical window of opportunity to identify learning gaps, provide targeted instruction, and fully prepare students for end-of-year assessments.  

This article explores three steps for successful intervention during the crucial spring months of the school year to achieve the best reading gains.

  1. Before Teaching: Identifying learning gaps
  2. During Teaching: Providing explicit and systematic instruction
  3. Everywhere Learning: Reinforcing ‘practice to make progress’

Key Take Aways:

  • Spring Reading Intervention plans to implement before teaching, during teaching, and everywhere for student learning.

Just Right Reader’s Intervention Programs Accelerate Literacy Skills with the Science of Reading

Accelerate Reading with Summer School Take-Home Decodable Packs!

Spring is a critical time to bridge any learning gaps and prepare all students for end-of-year assessments before summer break begins. It is the last opportunity to target foundational skills and boost reading proficiency, so that students will excel in end-of-year assessments and be successfully set up for the upcoming school year.

Here are three impactful steps to maximize reading gains this spring with intervention strategies focusing on before, during, and everywhere in literacy instruction. 

Before Teaching: Identify Learning Gaps

We know that all students, regardless of their starting point within the Response to Intervention (RTI) framework, benefit from research-based instruction and reading intervention support. By providing young readers with the right books and focusing on targeted skills, we can help them build confidence, master foundational skills, and discover a lifelong love for reading. 

RTI - Progress Monitoring and Template tools from Just Right Reader

At Just Right Reader, we partner with educators, using research-based data, to give each student exactly the books they need to accelerate literacy achievement. We offer a Progress Monitoring Guide, which includes screening, diagnostic, informal, and summative assessments. By regularly monitoring progress and assessing abilities, we can work together to fine-tune intervention and meet every student right where they are in their learning.

“Just-Right” Decodable Books 

Just Right Reader’sScience of Reading Take-Everywhere Literacy Pack™ includes ‘just-right’ decodable books individually wrapped in colorful paper with personalized labels and school logos. They're also designed uniquely for each student, to help bridge learning gaps with explicit and systematic instruction to pinpoint specific skill deficits.

Step 1

Step 1: Prepare Your Student Data

The Just Right Reader proprietary assessment matching algorithm accepts data from any ELA or phonics assessment your district uses. 

Step 2

Step 2: Access the Secure Data-Submission Portal

We use Virtru, a secure and encrypted data portal to receive district data, which allows us to ensure student privacy and protect your security throughout the submission process. 

Step 3

Step 3: Submit Your Student Data

Once complete, our team will be in touch shortly to let you know your data has been received.


During Teaching: Provide Explicit & Systematic Instruction Aligned to Core Curriculum

Just Right Reader Scope and Sequence

When implementing any intervention reading plan, it is important to empower early readers with an evidence-proven approach that aligns with the current classroom curriculum. Just Right Reader is a supplemental program designed to build literacy skills, aligned to the phonics and sequencing of core reading instruction that is already being taught in class. Our high-quality decodable books are based upon a text progression that uses explicit and systematic phonics instruction to build foundational literacy skills.

Just Right Reader Decodable booksEvery Just Right Reader decodable book is grounded in the Science of Reading and includes easy-to-use scripted lesson plans. Our comprehensive intervention guide for student grouping, entry/exit criteria, and instructional intensity helps support successful intervention in a critical time for readers. In addition, our engaging stories feature authentic, relatable characters and beautiful, age-appropriate illustrations that keep students motivated, and encourage them to discover the joy in reading.

Curriculum Alignments:

Just Right Reader Curriculum Alignments

Everywhere Learning: Practice to Make Progress

Nurturing a lifelong love of reading in children begins with engaging materials they'll want to read again and again. Encouraging reading practice anytime, anywhere – whether it's during breakfast, before soccer practice, while cooking dinner, or as part of a bedtime routine –  will always support growth.

Teacher providing extra practice with Just Right Reader Decodable

Extra practice empowers readers to:

  • Increase reading fluency
  • Improve comprehension 
  • Reinforce phonics skills and automaticity
  • Become strong, confident readers!


According to Dr. Rasinski, Fluency, the ability to read effortlessly and with good expression, is developed largely through repeated readings of texts.” Practice is one of the most important intervention strategies a student can utilize to improve reading abilities. With the right materials, every child can build confidence and foster a lifelong love of reading books. 

Just Right Reader K-2 Literacy Intervention Programs 

Just Right Reader Intervention Materials

By delivering structured phonics instruction and rich resources for educators, students, and families, the Just Right Reader K-2 Literacy Intervention Program and theTargeted 6-8 Intervention Program incorporate Just Right Reader'sClassroom Libraries™ in English and Spanish andTake-Everywhere Literacy Packs™ into your intervention plan. These intervention programs can provide opportunities to read the right books in class and everywhere else.

This will empower students to achieve greater reading success, be best prepared for the next school year, build confidence, and foster a lifelong love of reading books.

Backed by anESSA Level III study, our program has been shown to accelerate literacy growth and drive impactful improvements in student assessment outcomes.

ESSA Level III Study

Don’t wait. Summer is around the corner!

Spring provides a perfect window of opportunity to boost students’ literacy skills before their end-of-year assessments and continuing into the Summer Break. We can empower students to reach their full potential by implementing these three strategic reading intervention tips, so that they’re ready to succeed in the next school year. 

Meet with our team  to bring Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs to your district this summer.

Just Right Reader Sample
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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader promotes effective literacy instruction, personalized learning, and school-to-home partnerships to foster a lifelong love of reading.

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