
Amplify Your Summer Program! Get Personalized Packs of Decodables for Every Week of Summer

Authentic phonics practice with fun and colorful stories keeps skills sharp over break.

Keep Kids Reading Over Break with Science of Reading Decodables

Summer is an opportunity to keep kids reading. Take-Home Packs provide powerful practice that prevents summer slide and can even accelerate achievement.

Amplify Your Summer Program with Decodables for Every Week of Summer

Get packs of decodables — personalized to each student’s skill level — to accelerate reading achievement leading up to the new school year.

  • 1 pack per student for every week of summer school
  • Plus, 1 additional pack at the end to keep reading skills strong

Amplify Your Summer Program with Decodables for Every Week of Summer

Get packs of decodables — personalized to each student’s skill level — to accelerate reading achievement leading up to the new school year.

  • 1 pack per student for every week of summer school
  • Plus, 1 additional pack at the end to keep reading skills strong

"Decoding is one of the skills that declines most quickly over the summer...but if the reading materials you're supplying are really engaging and authentic to students, they will be more likely to practice every day.

That can prevent a lot of summer slide, and you may even see some progress over the summer."

Dr. Paul von Hippel

Professor at The University of Texas at Austin