
Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs: Frequently Asked Questions

Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs: Frequently Asked Questions

Your Just Right Reader Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs are on their way! 

As part of a state-wide literacy initiative, the Iowa Department of Education is providing two packs of Just Right Reader Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs for every first-grade student. That’s 20 engaging, evidence-based decodables per child—designed to accelerate reading achievement in Iowa and help your school achieve its literacy goals!

Here’s what you need to know to get started!

What are Just Right Reader Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs?

Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs are backed by evidence and designed to accelerate reading achievement by giving students the powerful practice they need to become confident readers!

Each pack contains ten decodable books, providing students with multiple opportunities to apply the phonics skills they are learning in an engaging and authentic reading experience.

Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs are for students to keep! After classroom lessons, they can bring their books home to read with family and caregivers, reinforcing skills and fostering a lifelong love of reading.

What’s in a Take-Everywhere Literacy Pack?

How do I distribute the packs?

There are three categories of Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs that target different phonics skills.

Each pack will be labeled with one of the following phonics skills but will not include the low, middle, or high-level designation on the label:

  • Lower Level: CVC Syllables
  • Middle Level: Beginning & Ending Blends
  • Higher Level: R-Controlled Syllables

You can distribute the packs based on your students’ needs. We recommend using beginning-of-year assessment data to group students based on their phonics needs and match them to the appropriate level packs.

How can teachers implement Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs into literacy instruction?

Visit our Teacher Resource Hub for easy-to-use implementation tools! 

  • Getting Started Guide
  • Full lesson plans for every title
  • Curriculum alignments
  • Printable resources
  • Family and caregiver resources

And more!

Have other questions?

Reach out to our team at and we will be happy to help!


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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader promotes effective literacy instruction, personalized learning, and school-to-home partnerships to foster a lifelong love of reading.

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