
Case Study: Summer Success with Hillsborough County Public Schools

Case Study: Summer Success with Hillsborough County Public Schools

Florida District Leverages Summer Break to Accelerate Reading Achievement


Tracie Bergman quote about Just Right Reader Take-Home Decodable Packs

District leaders of Hillsborough County Public Schools in Tampa, Florida, faced a critical and perplexing question: how do they ensure students have the opportunity to stay engaged in reading during summer months? Their solution was to provide students with access to high-quality and engaging books.

A district team established specific criteria for the books they sought, including:

  • Diverse characters and storylines students could relate to and find engaging

  • Targeted phonics skills aligned with the district’s current phonics curriculum, UFLI

  • Books the students could easily read at home if caregiver support wasn't available

Hillsborough County Public Schools purchased four rounds ofJust Right Reader Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs, customized packs of decodables tailored to meet students’ unique phonics needs. The district implemented the decodable packs into the summer reading camp offered to Kindergarten through 2nd-grade students identified as needing extra support based on reading assessment data. To better serve the Dual Language summer program, enrolled K-1 students received theSpanish Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs.  



Initial Stages

  • The district team met with Just Right Reader to meticulously review all decodable books and ensure they align with the scope and sequence of the current phonics program, UFLI.

  • Utilizing customization features, the team curated a tailored list of titles aligned with the scope and sequence of their summer reading instruction. Bergman emphasized the impact of sharing assessment data with Just Right Reader to target precisely what students need to succeed.

“We knew every title in every set of decodables for every grade level would be something those kids could go home and read even if they didn’t have parental support. We also knew the QR code [linking to a phonics video lesson in English and Spanish] would support them.” -Tracie Bergman

Classroom and At-Home Implementation

  • Teachers utilized Just Right Reader Decodablesdaily during small group instruction.

  • After completing all lessons involving that particular decodable, students took the book home to continue practicing decoding skills with caregivers. Each student took home 40 books to expand their at-home libraries.

  • Parent letters were sent home to educate families about decodables and provide guidance on supporting literacy development at home.

“Our teachers and administrators absolutely loved the books. They love the diversity [of characters and storylines] and the readability of each decodable.” -Tracie Bergman


Enhance summer reading with Just Right Reader Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs! 

Just Right Reader Take-Home Decodable Packs

Our Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs Feature:

  • Science of Reading decodables personalized for each student based on district reading assessment data.
  • Writing pages to reinforce decoding and writing skills.
  • Evidence-based activities that motivate students to read and keep reading.
  • QR codes to access fun phonics lessons in English and Spanish to support students and families reading at home.
  • Backpacks for students to take their reading everywhere.
  • Packs wrapped in colorful wrapping paper to provide a joyful literacy experience.

Ready to learn more?

Learn about ourScience of Reading Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs, perfect for keeping kids reading over the break. 

Read our blog post to learn how districts can leverage summer months for ongoing learning. 

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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader promotes effective literacy instruction, personalized learning, and school-to-home partnerships to foster a lifelong love of reading.

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