
Baby Storytime: How to Make It Fun

Baby Storytime: How to Make It Fun

Reading to your newborn or toddler is more than a bedtime routine. It's an interactive experience that builds the foundation for lifelong learning and literacy.

Here's how to transform baby storytime into an enriching experience using baby board books.

What are Board Books?

Just Right Reader baby storytime books

Board books are easy-to-handle books designed for babies and toddlers. They feature simple, engaging text and colorful illustrations that capture little ones' attention. Just Right Reader Board Books foster early literacy skills with vibrant images and themes that resonate with young children.

Read ourguide to baby board books to explore their pivotal role in early literacy and development.

Benefits of Reading to Babies and Toddlers

  • Reading to babies and toddlers significantly enhances vocabulary and language skills and sets a solid foundation for later reading success (Bus, A. G., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., & Pellegrini, A. D., 1995).

  • Interactive reading, in which parents involve children through questioning, effectively promotes early literacy (Whitehurst, G. 1988). 
Board book research by Dr. Hutton

Use Shared Reading to Support Literacy Development

What is shared reading? [02:21]
Dr. Pamela Sullivan, Professor in the College of Education at James Madison University


Tips for Engaging Your Baby During Storytime

Maximize the benefits of story time with these interactive strategies that promote early literacy and cognitive development:

baby and mom read
  • Create a Routine: Establish a regular reading routine that fits naturally into your child's day. A predictable schedule helps children look forward to story time, whether after breakfast or right before bed.

  • Choose the Right Books: Select newborn books that are age-appropriate and visually stimulating. Just Right Reader Board Books spark curiosity and engagement with engaging stories based ondevelopmental milestones.

  • Read with Expression: Use different voices, facial expressions, and body language to bring stories to life. This makes reading sessions more fun and aids in language comprehension.

  • Point and Describe: While reading, point to pictures and describe what you see. Ask questions like "What's this?" or "Who's that?" to involve your child actively and enhance their understanding of the story.

  • Encourage Interaction: Board books are durable, so let your child turn the pages and touch the book.

  • Use Baby Sign Language: Incorporate baby sign language to communicate key concepts from the book. This can be incredibly engaging and educational for babies before they can speak. Just Right Reader Board Books feature baby sign language

Just Right Reader Board Books: A Developing Reader’s Journey to Kindergarten

Just Right Reader Books for Babies


just right reader board books for babies

Our Board Books feature:

  • Research-backed books aligned to your Early Learning Standards

  •  Vibrant illustrations and engaging stories based on developmental milestones

  • Bite-sized tips, baby sign language, and videos for caregivers with every title

  • Learning Together Guides equip caregivers with easy tips and fun ideas for their child’s journey to literacy.


Build literacy and readiness skills in every child in your community in the critical first three years of life with Just Right Reader Board Books.


Visit this link or scan the QR Code to read My Feelings.

My Feelings Board Book



     Bus, A. G., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., & Pellegrini, A. D. (1995). Joint book reading makes for success in learning to read: A meta-analysis on intergenerational transmission of literacy.Review of Educational Research, 65(1), 1-21.

     Whitehurst, G. J., Falco, F. L., Lonigan, C. J., Fischel, J. E., DeBaryshe, B. D., Valdez-Menchaca, M. C., & Caulfield, M. (1988). Accelerating language development through picture book reading.Developmental Psychology, 24(4), 552-559.

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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader promotes effective literacy instruction, personalized learning, and school-to-home partnerships to foster a lifelong love of reading.

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