
The Hawk on the Seesaw

SKU: 979-8-89422-835-8

Language: English

Grade: Newcomer


The Hawk on the Seesaw is a decodable with the focus skill of words with vowel teams (au, aw, augh). This title was specifically designed for Newcomer students learning English, as it emphasize the domains of language development (listening, speaking, reading, writing) with an emphasis on cognates and vocabulary.

In The Hawk on the Seesaw, Shawn and Paul are drawing together at the park when a real hawk lands on the seesaw beside them. The boys are excited but soon realize the hawk doesn't seem to like their drawings, showing a haughty attitude. To their surprise, the hawk swoops down, grabs their papers with its claws, and flies away, leaving them amazed at the bird's bold behavior.