
Las gafas de Gabi

SKU: 979-8-88888-781-3

Language: Spanish

Grade: Kindergarten


Las gafas de Gabi is a Spanish decodable book with the focus skill of blending letters together to read words with soft g. Las gafas de Gabi is about Gabi who enjoys spending time at the lake with his dad. While at the lake when Gabi was feeding the ducks, he lost his glasses. Gabi and his dad start thinking of a plan on how to get the glasses out of the water. They try using a stick and a rope they found at the lake. After several tries, they are finally succesful at retrieving the glasses. However, when the glasses come out, these are filled with mud and algae. With the help of his dad, they clean the glasses and now Gabi is able to wear them again. 2023-24 Edition