
Expand Your Just Right Reader Library with Our Brand New Decodable Books!

Enhance your existing Just Right Reader collection with our latest decodable books—now featuring a wealth of authentic, new content and captivating stories. These new additions are the perfect expansion to provide additional practice and enrich your students' reading experience.

About Our Expansion Libraries

Describe the image

Kindergarten Expansion Library

27 NEW Titles
Price: Library - $162 | Classpack - $972

Skills Covered:

  • CVC words in short sentences
  • CVC short i
  • CVC short o
  • CVC short e
  • Digraph ck, sh, th, ch, wh
Describe the image

1st Grade Expansion Library

42 NEW Titles
Price: Library - $252 | Classpack - $1,512

Skills Covered:

  • Digraphs sh, ck, th, ch,
    wh, ph & y ending
  • L-Blends
  • S-Blends
  • R-Blends
  • Contractions

  • Inflectional Ending -ed
  • Long i silent e
  • Ending Blends: nd, nk, nt, st, ft, ct, pt, lt, lk, ld, lf, lp, sk, mp
  • Trigraphs dge & tch
  • R-Controlled ar, or, er, ir, ur
  • Long u silent e & long e silent e
Describe the image

2nd Grade Expansion Library

47 NEW Titles
Price: Library - $282 | Classpack - $1,692

Skills Covered:

  • Vowel Teams ee, ea, ey
  • Vowel Teams ai, ay
  • Vowel Teams oa, oe, ow
  • Vowel Teams ie, igh
  • Diphthongs oy, oi & Vowel Team eigh
  • Vowel Team oo
  • Vowel Teams au, aw, augh
  • Diphtongs ow, ou
  • Vowel Team ea (short e & long a sound)
  • R-Controlled with Vowel Teams (air, ear)
  • Multiple sounds of ough; multisyllabic words
  • Silent letters: gn, kn, wr, mb & suffixes ful, ly

Expand Your Just Right Reader Library Today!

Provide your students even more structured phonics practice with our new Science of Reading Deocdables!