
Case Study: City Schools of Decatur Accelerates Achievement with High-Dosage Tutoring

Case Study: City Schools of Decatur Accelerates Achievement with High-Dosage Tutoring


Jennifer Burton High-Dosage Tutoring quote

District leaders of City Schools of Decatur, an independent public school district in Decatur, Georgia, recognized the urgent need to address foundational literacy gaps through impactful intervention, particularly for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

To ensure all students and tutors receive equitable access to high-quality instructional materials and lessons, the district purchased Just Right Reader Take-Everywhere Literacy Packs, customized packs of decodables tailored to meet students’ unique phonics needs. Each of the 50 Kindergarten-5th-grade students participating in a district-funded after-school tutoring program received decodables based on reading assessment data.


  • Students learn with the same tutor throughout the school year.
  • After-school tutoring sessions occur three times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Tutors utilize Just Right Reader Science of Reading Decodables and lesson plans for instruction.
  • Following small group instruction and independent reading practice, students take their decodables home to expand their at-home library.

A parent literacy night was conducted to educate families about decodables and provide guidance on supporting literacy development at home.

Quantitative Data Collection 

  • District leaders utilize MAP assessment scores to comprehensively monitor student progress over time.
  • Tutors track student progress through informal and formal assessments.

Next Steps

  • Tutors receive on-going support from district leaders and Just Right Reader’s personalized professional development sessions.

Just Right Reader High-Dosage Tutoring

Just Right Reader transforms high-dosage tutoring programs by providing Science of Reading decodables and resources for impactful intervention.

High dosage tutor

Tutor Professional Development 
90 minute virtual sessions and self-paced courses equip tutors for rigorous implementation of Science of Reading Decodables.

Libraries & Resources for Tutors
Science of Reading decodables come with lesson plans, video lessons in English and Spanish, engaging activities, and more. 

Tutoring Packs for Students
Students work with their tutors each week, then take their packs of decodables home for additional practice.

Ready to learn more?

Meet with our team to accelerate your tutoring program with Science of Reading decodables and resources designed for high-impact intervention.

Read more about developing an effective high-dosage tutoring program in your district. 

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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader promotes effective literacy instruction, personalized learning, and school-to-home partnerships to foster a lifelong love of reading.

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