
Personalized Packs of Decodables

Accelerate Summer Reading Achievement

Take-Everywhere Decodable Packs in English and Spanish give every student powerful phonics practice in summer school programs and at home.

Amplify Your Summer Program with Decodables

Amplify Your Summer Program with Decodables

Get packs of decodables — personalized to each student’s skill level — to accelerate reading achievement leading up to the new school year.

Get packs of decodables — personalized to each student’s skill level — to accelerate reading achievement leading up to the new school year.

Making Family Engagement Easy

We're so proud to partner with Science of Reading district leaders to get personalized packs of decodables into student's hands!

Work with us to create your own custom video for community outreach.

How It Works


Share your students' reading data with us


Get 11, 5, or 1 round of packs for each student


Students read and reread in class and at home!

Students, Districts, and Researchers Love Take-Everywhere Packs!