
Música para hormigas

SKU: 979-8-89239-039-2

Language: Spanish

Grade: 2nd Grade


Música para hormigas is a Spanish decodable with the focus skill of words with diminutive suffixes (-ito/a, -cito/a, -illo/a). Música para hormigas is about an ant and a cricket that live by to each other. The ant complains that the cricket doesn't do much other than just sing. The cricket complains the Ant only works and doesn't take time to enjoy not even one song. As summer passes, the ant had collected a lot of food for the winter. The cricket found himself in trouble because had only been singing and not working to find food for himself. The ant had enough food but was bored without the music of the cricket. The cricket was concerned because he had no food. The Ant invites the cricket into her home and the cricket was able to provide entertainment for the ant and the ant provided food for the cricket. 2023-24 Edition